Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wedding showers popular to young couples

Wedding showers has become popular to young couples in Asian countries and its time when good old friends and relatives get together to enjoy some fun and a night where you can able to enjoy the company of your goods old friends. During the evening light snacks, bar-be-que, beers, wine and soft drinks were serve to your invited guests.

For our chinese tradition the night before the wedding is a must, it is a time where all your close relatives will turn up to your house and even all your close and working friends will turn up to make the evening a remmember ones. At midnight the bride and groom at their own house will dress up in anew night dress and pray to heaven and the house god to tell them their are now adults and going to have a family of their own. After the praying ceremony the guest will to go back, only a few will stay back very late.
